Privacy and Collection Statement
At RSM People your privacy is important to us. We comply with Australia’s National Privacy Principles and we will ensure that your privacy is respected and maintained at all times.
This Privacy and Collection Statement explains how we collect personal information and how we maintain, use and disclose that information. It also provides some detail about your privacy rights along with our general rights and obligations in relation to the personal information we keep on file.
In providing Recruitment services to you, RSM People will need to collect personal information which includes, but is not limited to, details such as your name, address, telephone number, work history and referee details.
What is personal information?
Personal information may range from sensitive (e.g. medical history or condition) to general details such as your address or phone number. It can include the opinions of others about your work performance (whether true or false), your work experience and qualifications, test results and other information obtained by us in connection with possible employment opportunities for you.
What is sensitive information?
Sensitive information is a special category of personal information. It is information or opinions about your:
- racial or ethnic origin;
- sexual preferences or practices;
- political opinion;
- membership of a political association or religious beliefs, affiliations or philosophical beliefs;
- membership of a professional or trade association or membership of a trade union;
- criminal record;
- health or disability (at any time);
In accordance with existing laws such as Anti-Discrimination, we will only seek to collect sensitive information (for example health information or information about your racial or ethnic origin or any criminal record), if in our view it is necessary for our business purposes, and for the inherent requirements of the position. Sensitive information can, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent.
Who will be collecting your personal and sensitive information?
Your personal and sensitive information will be collected by RSM People for its own use, to assist RSM People in determining suitability for permanent and temporary employment.
How your information will be collected
Personal and sensitive information will be collected from you directly when you submit an application form or any other information in connection with your application to us for registration.
Personal and sensitive information will also be collected when:
- we receive any reference about you;
- we receive results of inquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration body;
- we receive the results of any competency or medical test;
- we receive performance feedback (whether positive or negative);
- we receive any complaint from or about you in the workplace;
- we receive any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved;
- we receive any information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved;
- when you provide us with any additional information about you.
How your information will be used:
Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:
- your actual or possible work placement;
- performance appraisals, personal improvement and training initiatives and selection purposes;
- the performance of our master vendor relationships, on-site management services and outsourcing arrangements;
- any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you might be required to undergo;
- any workplace rehabilitation;
- our management of any business risks, investigation, resolution and defence of complaints and legal claims, compliance with court orders and other legal obligations and regulatory requirements;
- any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information;
- informing you about other services that we may provide.
Your personal and sensitive information may be disclosed to:
- potential and actual employers and clients of RSM People to whom we provide services;
- referees;
- other member organizations of RSM People;
- our insurers;
- a Workers Compensation body;
- our contractors, suppliers, sub-contractors and vendors whom perform services on our behalf;
- any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
If you do not give us the information we seek:
- we may not be able to effectively process the information you provide to us;
- we may be limited in our ability to locate suitable work for you;
- we may be limited in our ability to place you in work
You can gain access to your information to correct it if it is wrong
Subject to some exceptions which are set out in the National Privacy Principles (Principle 6 – Access and Correction), you have a right to see and have a copy of personal and sensitive information about you that we hold. If you are able to establish that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it so that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
If we are unable to agree that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date, you may ask us to place with the information a statement by you that claims that particular information is not accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you wish to exercise your rights of access and correction, please contact us.
Storage and Security
Your personal information will be stored in a secure environment and will be kept for a reasonable period of time necessary for us to provide services to you and in accordance with legislation.
At any time at your request, we will destroy your personal information. We will do this for any lawful request.
The registration information supplied by me is true and correct. I will also inform RSM People if I am contacted and offered work by any client that RSM People has introduced me to within in a 6 month period from the date of introduction. I give my permission to RSM People to forward my resume to prospective employers. I also verify that I have read and understood the Privacy and Collection Statement, Queensland Private Employment Agency Act and EEO Policy.